Archive for January, 2012
Charting the Future of the Web
We’re witnessing the Internet turning upside down. What used to be singular content broadcast to many is now becoming a plethora of content curated for one.
Google Flailing Wildly as Facebook Nears IPO
Facebook is nearing their IPO and Google is scared of the competition. But is Google responding in the right way?
Non-Developer’s iPhone App: From Idea to App Store
Reader Track is now available in the App Store! Let me walk you through the process of getting an app from idea to App Store, step by step.
Lying: The Truth About Opposing SOPA/PIPA
Politicians are only opposing SOPA/PIPA to gain support of the Internet community, go viral, and get re-elected. There is no doubt that if the (lobbyist) price was right, they’d take the money and run.
Envisioning Post-Hollywood TV and Entertainment
Y Combinator called for startups to “kill Hollywood,” but what is that going to take? How can we envision a future without mainstream TV and movies?
SOPA/PIPA Debacle Show How Congress/House is Broken
What should we do when our representatives decide to stop representing us?