Body Hacking: My Magnetic Implant

I’ve got a magnet implanted in my finger. Here’s my story.

Let’s talk about magnet implants. I don’t really bring it up much, but I have a small rare earth magnet implanted in the pinkie finger on my right hand. I’ve had it for around three years now.

Whenever someone finds out that I have this implant, they’ve always got a ton of questions. Usually the first question is “why?” While this is a valid question, I tend to dismiss it when asked, favoring a continuation to the conversation rather than a Q&A session about my motivations and the way in which I view and interact with the world. But to be fair to those who are genuinely curious (rather than those who quickly ask “why?” out of shock), I figured I’d share some of my thoughts and experiences related to having a magnet implant and hopefully answer some of the frequently asked questions. If you have any additional questions, feel free to leave a comment or send me an email.

Note: I am not going to tell you where I had mine done, nor do I know where you can get one. Sorry.

Initial Interest

When I first read about magnet implants the technology was still in its infancy. There was an amazing article by former editor and founder of BMEZine Shannon Larratt (forgive me for not being able to find that specific article) that discussed a type of “sixth sense” that these magnets provided. But my interest in getting the procedure myself was quickly squashed after reading and seeing, in graphic detail, what happened when the silicone encasing around these magnets broke down and the magnet corroded inside his finger. Even after all these years, just the thought of those images gives me the chills.

At that time, I wrote the procedure off as a cool concept and nothing more. It wasn’t until around three years ago, in a bar with some friends, that I learned that one of my buddies actually had a magnet implant. Not only did he have one, but had it for a year at that point. My interest was immediately piqued again. No longer was this just some procedure that someone tried and failed. Rather, it had a bit of staying power. I spent the rest of the night talking to him about the implant and watching him perform party tricks, such as picking up paperclips and bottle caps with the tip of his finger.

That night, I made the decision to get the implant. The next day, I contacted my local experienced implant practitioner and made an appointment.

The Procedure

The first decision I needed to make was which finger to get the implant. I had already chosen to get the implant on my right hand, as I am left handed. I ended up settling on my pinkie finger after performing a bunch of routine tasks and paying attention to which fingers I used most. Another common finger for the implant is the ring finger, but I felt like I used my pinkie less, so I opted for that one.

The actual implant procedure was fairly quick. My finger was marked in two places: where the magnet was going to go as well as the incision spot (around a quarter to a half inch away from the final resting spot for the magnet). He then made the incision with a scalpel, used some tissue elevators to separate the tissue, slid the magnet into place, and sealed the incision with some surgical glue. Next was a bit of tissue compression; then my finger was wrapped up and I was on my way. It took about fifteen to twenty minutes total.

Initial Reaction

Due to the tissue trauma from cutting open my finger, it took a while before I could really take full advantage of having the magnet implant. It was only a day or two before I picked up my first paperclip, but it took a few months before my finger really regained full sensation. The tissue around the implant all the way up to the incision point was swollen and fairly numb for weeks after the procedure. This didn’t stop me from playing with the magnet all the time, picking up paper clips and other small metal objects.

As the swelling went down and the sensation in my finger tip came back, I began to experience elements of an invisible world around me. When people discuss magnet implants giving a “sixth sense,” this is what they’re talking about. I was working retail at the time, and I believe the first thing I noticed was the vibrations from the fan inside the cash register. I could feel the invisible field, coming out of the side of the computer in a half-dome. The vibrations varied in strength depending on where I held my finger. It really did not feel like a foreign object vibrating, but rather my finger itself. It was an extremely weird sensation and fairly uncomfortable at first.

Another uncomfortable experience, which I quickly learned to avoid, was handling other magnets in such a way that they flipped the magnet inside my finger. The magnet inside my finger is round and flat, so introducing an outside magnet with a different polar pull would cause my magnet to make a quick flip inside my finger. While this didn’t hurt, it was (and still is) fairly uncomfortable. In addition, sometimes the magnet would get pulled on its side, sticking up and down rather than settling flat in my finger. This never hurt either, but also proved to be quite uncomfortable and required a quick massage to get the implant to lay flat again.

Experiencing the World

I quickly learned that magnetic surfaces provided almost no sensation at all. Rather, it was movement that caused my finger to perk up. Things like power cord transformers, microwaves, and laptop fans became interactive in a whole new way. Each object has its own unique field, with different strength and “texture.” I started holding my finger over almost everything that I could, getting a feeling for each object’s invisible reach.

Portable electronics proved to be an experience as well. There were two fairly large electronic items that hit the shelves around the same time as I got my implant: the first iPad and the Kindle 2. Both of these items had a speaker located at the bottom right of the unit, almost exactly where I rested the pinkie finger of my right hand. Both of these speaker magnets were powerful enough to flip the magnet in my finger if I brushed past them in a certain way. This was incredibly annoying, but became a moot issue as soon as I put a case on either device. No elements of the iPhone ever posed an issue, and newer versions of the Kindle and iPad moved this magnet to an non-intrusive location. I was very wary of the iPad 2’s magnetic smart cover, but these magnets are so specifically targeted that they take a while to find even if you’re looking for them.

The best part of having the magnet implant was discovering invisible magnetic fields when I wasn’t actually looking. The first experience I had with this was walking through the intersection of Broadway and Bleecker in Manhattan. I passed through this intersection a few times before realizing that my finger would tingle at a certain spot. After paying a bit more attention, I realized that I was feeling something underground. At first, I assumed it was a subway car, but later came to the conclusion that it was most likely the subway power generator, or the giant fan that was cooling these generators. After noticing these underground waves at Broadway and Bleecker, I began feeling them all over Manhattan.

Another unexpected magnetic field is at certain store checkout counters. Mainly at book stores (and some clothing stores), there is a strong unit under the counter that removes the security tags. This unit usually pulses, sending out magnetic waves strong enough to be felt a few feet away. This always leads to interesting conversations with the cashiers.


There are surprisingly few downsides I’ve experienced in the three years that I’ve had the magnet implant. Luckily, the magnet is not strong enough to wipe out credit cards nor will it negatively affect electronics or computer monitors. I’ve also flown numerous times since having the procedure done and never had any issues.

The only real negative aspect to having this implant is the inability to get an MRI (if needed) without first having the implant removed. This is something that I thought about before getting the procedure done and I made a conscious decision to get the implant anyway. I also figure that if I’m ever incapacitated and put in an MRI machine without the ability to give the doctor any forewarning, a tiny magnet getting ripped out of my finger will be the least of my concerns.

Thoughts Three Years Later

Three years after getting the implant, my magnet is something that I constantly forget about. It’s not something that tends to come up in general conversation. Even the prompt, “Tell me something unique about yourself” often occurs in an environment where mentioning a magnet implant may be slightly inappropriate. As far as my personal use of the magnet, it serves as more of a general curiosity tool rather than having any sort of practical use. I’m not in a profession that requires me to tell live wires from dead wires. Rather, if I find an object that’s labeled “magnetic,” I’ll generally hold my finger up to see the exact strength of the magnet and nothing more.

Over the years, the magnet has lost strength as well. While I could once hold a large paperclip, the magnet now only supports a small one. The combination of a weaker magnet and the novelty wearing off means I rarely even think about the implant. It’s only when I sense a fairly strong field that the magnet will enter my consciousness, and even then, it’s usually a quick mental note before I continue doing what I was doing.

Despite this, I’m still really happy that I had this procedure done. It has unlocked an entirely new world for me, one that I can touch and interact with in a very real way. While a magnet implant doesn’t technically count as a “sixth sense” (it’s more of an extension of our existing sense of touch), the way that the body internalizes these tiny magnetic vibrations feels truly foreign.

If this is something that you’re interested in getting done, by all means continue your search. Make sure to do your research, find an experienced practitioner, and know the supplier of the magnet. Understand the risks and the consequences of getting a magnet implant. Once you’ve done all get, go get the magnet and start exploring the world.

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  1. Moschops says:

    Can you reinvigorate your implant by exposing it for a long time to an appropriate external magnetic field? Maybe even a “recharge glove” or some such that you could wear for as long as it took.

    • Dann says:

      I would imagine so, however attaching another magnet to the implanted magnet for extended periods of time compresses the tissue between the two, which hurts.

      • Moschops says:

        Suck it up, bionic man. It’s the price you pay for your super-powers :p

      • ah says:

        You can counteract the effect by placing a magnet infront and behind the finger.

      • Zach says:

        Not to mention it would cut off blood flow causing the skin to die.

        I envy you though. I really want this but I’m too afraid that something will go wrong. I really couldn’t live with it if I lost a finger because of it.
        But maybe in a few years when they’ve improved the process more.. Atleast that’s what I tell myself 😛

        • Dann says:

          It’s funny, because that’s exactly what I told myself between when I first read the article and when I actually got it done.

          Over the past few years the amount of (mainstream) interest in magnet implants has increased exponentially, so I’m sure there will be even more technological breakthroughs of this genre in the near future.

      • Cody says:

        Don’t forget that the magnetic fields in a magnet are less than the amount of magnetic field it takes to “charge” the hysteresis (see for chart, and yes I know that’s for an electric field but it’s the same thing: I’m not sure HOW big of a different there is, but I wonder if perhaps a magnetic field strong enough to re-magnetize would be strong enough to rip the magnet out, which I imagine would be a painful experience.

        If that’s not the case though, you could re-magnetize it in a strong magnetic field without having to use any magnets. Do you have any friends that work in physics departments? They could probably hook you up. We used to have a 6 Tesla magnet in the lab next to the one I work in (although I’m betting that might be a little bit of overkill for a tiny one XD).

      • Daniel Ruiz says:

        with having the magnet for so long has there been any deficiency of iron in your body?

      • Harry Farr says:

        Hey mate 🙂

        Just wondering how your magnet was going now, another 3 years later!

        • Dann Berg says:

          It’s still just fine! The only issue is that it’s migrated a bit deeper into my finger. It doesn’t feel any different (no pain at all) but it’s significantly weaker than it was when I first got it. It can only really hold up a small paperclip. I can still feel magnetic fields, though, and that’s the important part. Picking up paper clips is more of a party trick.

          • Cuya says:

            Hey man i really think this is cool, i am a minor like 10-15 “dont wanna say my age xD”. do you think this is still safe for me to do this? and if so what precoated magnet would you recommend? plz include link. Thanks!

          • Dann Berg says:

            I think you might already know what I’m going to say, but wait until you’re of legal age and get it done by a professional. Someone with experience.

          • Red The White says:

            Hey! I’m just curious, can you sense which way is north?

            Also, could one possibly get a magnet implanted in the back of their hand? It seems like it would be a little less inconvenient.

          • Dann Berg says:

            No, it’s not possible to feel magnetic north for a couple of reasons: 1) the magnet is not strong enough and 2) the magnet senses movement/vibrations rather than straight magnetic pull.

            Yes, you can get it in the back of your hand, but I’d imagine that it’d be a lot less sensitive due to having fewer nerve endings compared to a finger tip. People have gotten magnets implanted in locations other than their fingers, and have described it as a different experience.

      • Justice says:

        how old do you have to be to get a magnet in your finger in texas?

      • Justice says:

        how old do you have to be to get a magnet in your finger in texas by a prof?

  2. Brechmos says:

    So, how strong is the magnet?

    • Dann says:

      Strong enough to pick up and hold a small paperclip, but not quite strong enough to hold on to a large one. Can still easily drag a large paperclip across a tabletop though, and almost get it into the air.

      • Brechmos says:

        Sorry, was looking for something more quantitative. My daughter was doing a thing in school on magnets and so I thought it would be fun to get her some really strong ones and so bought 4 that were approximately 1.5T (but were no bigger than a penny). In the first 10 minutes she pinched her skin twice and her younger sister got them caught on either side of her hand pulling together. Anyway, I guess they are reasonably weak magnets.

  3. Bjørn Borud says:

    You are going to forget about the magnet until one day you have to take an MRI. And they you’ll remember 🙂

  4. Miramon says:

    How about this. Wear a ring with a magnet in it. Now you don’t have to worry about the discomfort and infections, and people won’t think you’re a freak. Well, not as big of a freak, anyway.

  5. Remy Bergsma says:

    Just so everyone knows – this is how the X-men started.

    At least when it comes to the Magneto character. Dann’s body will eventually be able to magnetize anything and through his helmet enforce large magnetic fields to move…oh let’s say the Golden Gate Bridge.


    • Mandar Vaze says:


      Magneto’s Helmet was to prevent Professor X from entering his (Magneto’s) mind and control his thoughts.

      Helmet has nothing to do with his magnetic abilities

  6. Alex says:

    What kind of sports / activities have you tried with this in place?

    What’s it like to put a lot of pressure on that fingertip? Like during rock-climbing or lifting weights?

    • Dann says:

      I avoid putting pressure on that part of my finger. It feels like a small bubble inside the finger tip. Doesn’t hurt, but is uncomfortable.

      It’s fun to let people feel my fingertip though, because you can feel the little ball inside there.

      • Alex says:

        That makes sense 🙂

        I’m fascinated by the idea, and the only thing stopping me is my proclivity for arsing about in a way that does not protect my fingertips!

        Do you think any other areas would be less delicate, but still retain good sensitivity?

  7. e says:

    This was really interesting, thanks.

    I wondered though, why not just a magnetic ring? Perhaps roughened inside such that the movement of the magnet converted to sensation more readily?

  8. troll says:

    I gotta say, this is moronic.

    • 4real says:

      srsly – the lengths people go to for attention

      • Dann says:

        I was going to go for the headline “look at me! look at me!” but those never get my blog as much traffic.

        Although, not a day has passed since getting the magnet that I haven’t worn my shirt that reads “Ask me about my magnetic implant that no one can see.”

  9. AW says:

    Are you no longer concerned about the silicon casing deteriorating and the magnet breaking up into lots of tiny pieces free in your body, like what you said happened to the BMEZine editor? I saw a documentary where a woman had hers break up in the same way.

    Was there some kind of medical advance in the interim that assuaged your fear of that happening? Or did you decide that was just going to be a risk you would accept?

    • Dann says:

      There were a few manufacturing defects in that first batch of magnets (the ones that split open). The batch that my magnet came from was made years later, after the process had been better honed, and I knew of other magnets from this batch being successfully implanted.

      There’s always a risk, anything can happen. But I’ve had mine for three years now with no issues. I’m gentle with it, and I should have it many more.

  10. Not Impressed says:

    Aren’t you a special snowflake? ‘I’m not going to tell you where I got mine done’. Get the fuck over yourself.

    • Dann says:

      As long as the legalities of this procedure remain a grey area, I don’t really feel comfortable answering questions regarding finding a implant practitioner. I like to err on the side of caution.

      When the topic of my magnet comes up, I tend to get a lot of questions from strangers asking where they can get it done. I wanted to field these out, so no one felt I was being rude by simply not responding.

      But, to answer your question, I am a special snowflake.

    • Another conservative making everything about fake politics ? Cant even look at fucking magnets without you lonely bitter tools coming out of the woodwork lol

  11. hmm says:

    I wonder how this can be considered a ‘body hack’… Is a tattoo also considered a body hack? How about painting your fingernails?

    • Dann says:

      I categorize it as a “body hack” since it enhances my sense of touch by allowing me to physically feel invisible fields. I would also put lasik eye surgery in this category.

  12. Harry Pachty says:

    Magnets – how do they work?

  13. Ark-kun says:

    Why did you use a disk-shaped magnet instead of a ball-shaped one?
    Do you think that the “sixth-sense” can be archived with a smaller magnet? I wonder what would having a small manget in each finger feel like.

    • Dann says:

      I didn’t pick out the specific magnet. It came from a batch made by a manufacturer that makes silicone coated magnets for implants. The magnet was purchased by the implant practitioner (much like getting a piercing and your piercer has implant-grade jewelry).

      It’s not the size of the magnet that’s important, but the strength. And I know of a few people who have magnets in multiple fingers. Some people get it in their arm instead of a finger. Someone messaged me on twitter after reading this article, and he’s getting magnets implanted in his ears. All different experiences, I would imagine.

      • Ark-kun says:

        I asked about the shape because you mentioned feeling uncomfortable when the magnet flipped.

        >It’s not the size of the magnet that’s important, but the strength.
        I assume that the size is an important detractor that forced you to carefully choose the least-used finger for the implant. Unfortunately the strength is tied with the size, so I wondered whether the implants can be small enough to not cause any troubles (“I avoid putting pressure on that part of my finger. It feels like a small bubble inside the finger tip. Doesn’t hurt, but is uncomfortable.”), but still powerful enough for sensing EM fields.

        >I know of a few people who have magnets in multiple fingers.
        Cool. I think it’s the best since fingers are very touch-sensitive and versatile, so you can quickly reposition them to “feel” the “volumetric” EM field. As for the ears I think that the it would be too “scalar”.

        • Dann says:

          I completely agree. I got mine in my fingertips because of the sensitivity. Getting them in the ears or arm would be a completely different experience, I would imagine.

          As far as size…I’m not sure if there’s anything that could be small enough to go unnoticed yet strong enough to create sensations. I can’t discount the possibility of this happening at some point in the future, but it’s far enough away that nothing has hit my radar.

  14. whb says:

    Was/is it uncomfortable to type? I’m thinking about getting one but I’m a programmer, so typing is really important.

  15. nerdfiles says:

    I found a rubber tube that fits snuggly around the middle finger of my right hand. It is not irreplaceable in my life, but it looks foreign, as if found in a dust, abandoned industrial lot somewhere in East Texas.

    I constantly “pop” my knuckles. I’ve done it for years, and on my right hand, to the point where the middle finger’s knuckle is noticeably swollen, with darker skin pigmentation over it. The thin rubber black tube functions aesthetically as a ring. However, it serves two functions for me: it prevents me from popping my knuckle; and it functions as component to modulation of bodily experience and sensation.

    For the first function it does this on two levels: psychological and physical. By its presence alone, I avoid tampering with the finger. When I do, I have the resistent sensation of the tube-ring. It modifies a previous OCD-like habit. I control it, in a way, and nevertheless minimize said habit.

    The second, a much broader activity takes place. My sense of balance is modified such that my posture, walking, etc., becomes a consciously parseable factor of my daily experience. (Imagine a UI for your daily character traits.) My “sense of balance” becomes analyzable through the conduit of experience of the ring, thus I am given a index-language by which I might understand my physiological being. What is essential to understanding political being, and the composition of matter w/r/t general-purpose network ecologies and their infinite modes of production.

  16. Bob Saggitt says:

    OP, are you a homosexual? JW

  17. Elilong says:

    Do you happen to have any experience playing a guitar with this? I can only imagine the problems that would arise from something like this interfering.

    • Dann says:

      You can get the implant on the side of a finger, and that might help. But if you plan on putting pressure the part of the finger where you have the magnet, you’re not going to have a good time.

    • Dan says:

      I have an implant on my picking hand and I saw no interference with the pickups while playing electric guitar. I think the amp only picks up on high enough frequency magnetic oscillations so unless you can move your picking hand at 440 Hz then you should have no problem.

      • Keo says:

        I’ve been thinking about getting this done for a while, but I was worried about playing guitar with it. Thanks for clearing up the issue of interference with the pickups, but does it bother you at all? Does your finger stick to the strings? Is it painful to pick with that finger? And more importantly, which finger did you get the magnet in?

        I’ve been considering the pinkie of my picking hand because I have the bad habit of not using my pinkie when finger picking, which might turn out to be a good thing now haha.

        • Dann Berg says:

          You can get it in different parts of your finger. Avoid anywhere that you’d need to put pressure on in order to play the guitar and you’ll be fine.

  18. Bob Saggitt says:

    OP, do you have Aspergers? Do you take pain medicine when your bf fists you?

  19. Chris says:

    Are there concerns over the long term absorption of ferrous materials into your pinky? I would think the skin would constantly be discolored by fine magnetic dust.

  20. quart says:

    Why not a magnetic earring?

    • Dann says:

      Ears (especially ear lobes) aren’t nearly as sensitive as finger tips. Plus, I can’t imagine waving my ear next to a microwave to feel the vibrations.

  21. BabyGGuy says:

    Have you heard of anyone getting one put under their nail? One of the few places I would consider getting one.

  22. Orzeu says:

    You should definitely work for Nokia

    • Dann says:

      Ha, I’ve read a little about that patent. If there’s ever a way to make this non-invasive, that’ll be a HUGE breakthrough. If my finger vibrated every time I had a text or call, that would be awesome. Not quite sure how they’d go about that, but we’ll get there someday.

      If anyone reading this works in this department of Nokia, send me on over an application. 🙂

  23. Aaron Davies says:

    Do you get any compass functionality? One of the articles I read about magnet implants described being able to tell north.

    • Dann says:

      I wish. That would be cool. I can’t imagine how that would work though, since the magnet is more sensitive to movement (fans, motors, etc) rather than magnetic surfaces. I can’t even feel my refrigerator if I run my finger along the surface. I would imagine magnetic north behaving more like a magnetic surface rather than a moving object.

  24. Lief Storer says:

    How much did this procedure cost? VERY interesting and ridiculously sick way to pick up on girls with an ace up the sleeve.

  25. Many of us who frequent have performed this procedure on ourselves. I have a video of me doing it here:

    Presently, we’re examining the possibility of using a large gauge needle to inject smaller parylene C-coated magnets.

    Much of our inspiration can be traced back to Lepht Anonym who Wired wrote about here:

    Two of us down in Pittsburgh have already finished an ultrasonic device that interfaces with the magnets in our fingers to perceive the distance of objects with our eyes shut.

    We’d love if more people joined in the discussion.

    • Mandroid75 says:

      Interesting…I can see the equivalent kind of effect as a fish Lateral Line if you could run an entire line from right pinkie finger tip along the side of your arm and up to your shoulder…….Spideysense anyone?

  26. Kate Devil says:

    I want to share with you 4 reasons that my body hack is better than yours:

    1. My body hack keeps me alive.
    2. My body hack has given me special powers which enable me instantly to tell how much of a douche someone is when I reveal my awesome body hack.
    3. My body hack came free of charge, with chemo and radiation included!!!!!
    4. My body hack is something that 78,000 women get per year.

    When the day comes when you have to go and get a real body hack, like all the big girls, please *do* let us know. You boys know what you can do with those magnets…..go and discover something that actually is more profound than picking up paper clips with your precious pinkies.

    • Dann says:

      I am honestly completely confused by your comment. I have no idea what you’re trying to say.

    • Anonymous says:

      Apparently it didn’t give you any manners….

      • Paul says:

        Manners aside, after googling “78000 women per year” the top hits suggest either a fatal pregnancy or abortion depending on the article.

        Also, I’ve toyed around with the idea of getting one of these since I read Shannon’s post on BME, but I’ve not found anyone in my state (GA) that performs them, and its not important enough for me to call and make an appointment with Mr. Haworth (who is the only practitioner I’ve found advertising the procedure).

        Still, props for getting and writing a review of the procedure, you’ve whetted my desire for the implant once again.

        • Dann says:

          I figured it was about something along the lines of fatal pregnancy or abortion or something like that, but even with that clarification the comment makes no sense whatsoever. I spent a good 10 minutes with my girlfriend trying to decipher what she could have meant. Very odd.

          Glad you liked the article! Thanks for the comment.

    • Woman are you on meth??? ? The fuck are you talking about? Sounds to me like your biohack might be a brain tumor lol. That or you got breast implants that went VERY wrong and ended in stage 6 cancer!!!

    • Wait so your kemo therepy was free??? Must have good ass insurance for someone trying to make others feel guilty about your condition on a blog about fun magnet implants ran by a quiet man named Dan ?

  27. andy says:

    What if you was to get one on your penis? That’s pretty sensitive right?

    • 10 says:

      That sounds painful. And I dont know how much luck you will have convincing people to let you whip it out because “My penis can totally sense magnetic fields.”

  28. Sean says:

    Highly impressed with anyone willing to do things like this.

    What is your magnet made of? Lepht Anonym uses neodymium discs in several of her fingers, which give off an electrical current in an electromagnetic field. She reports being able to detect when her phone is going to ring before it goes off.

  29. Keith M says:

    I am really interested in having this done. Everywhere I go I see listings for this Steve Haworth fellow. But no where does it state where to get this done or how to book appointments or if he does door through Canada. Is there anyway you could help me out?

  30. Mari says:

    What’s your experience with feeling electricity? What can and can’t you do? I’m an electrician and would love to have a couple useful work-related abilities. 🙂

    • Dann Berg says:

      If I run my finger along wires, such as a vacuum cord, I can feel when it’s on versus when it’s off. I’ve heard of people using their magnets for useful purpose by telling live from dead wires.

  31. shadowVOLPE says:

    I’ve gotten my hands on a couple 3mm parylene coated neodymium disks, but I’ve heard about people using a 7mm. Dan, what size did you end up with?

    • Dann Berg says:

      I’m actually not sure of the size. It was what my guy had in stock, and was from a batch that had numerous successful takes. Didn’t ask for information beyond that.

  32. T.J. says:

    i am Currently working on my own blog to document my progress as i work on getting my own magnetic implant, i would love it if you could take a look and comment for me with any ideas you may have,
    this goes for anybody reading this article, Great work this is what started it all for me.

  33. i can imagine the guy wanting the implant in his penis now sitting at his desk laptop on and watching porn hahaha the harder the porn the bigger the boner and nearer to the fan in the laptop he gets he has just invented the new interactive sex toy !!!!

  34. Dan says:

    I know a lot of people really like these things and that’s cool but I thought it would be informative to have a dissenting view (as far as I can tell, I`m the only guy on the net who doesn’t love this thing). I got one of these 6 months ago. It was really cool at first but the novelty has since worn off. A side effect of the implant is that I now DESPISE all things magnetic (you have no idea how many magnets are in a damn iMac! and guitar amps are HELL!). I also really don’t care about feeling magnetic fields any more. Seriously, it`s just annoying at this point. Hurray! My finger buzzes when I turn on the microwave. You no doubt read that “an engineer can use it to see if a wire is live…“ Well yeah but most live wires that need testing don’t have current going through them so you can`t feel those. Although I have tried, I haven’t found any practical application for Plutarch (yeah, it has a name). FYI you can’t feel current off regular 120v power cords, only adapters which was a total bummer for me. Also, mine migrated to the middle of my finger and it hurts to put any pressure on it so stuff like rock climbing is out for me for now – I think I am an outlier WRT the magnet moving. If you really want one then go nuts, it’s pretty consequence-free and it really is fun for a while and the sixth sense really is a unique experience. P.S. don’t mention the magnet on a first date

  35. Patrick says:

    Could you remove it or replace it if you want?

  36. esther says:

    i have question.
    When someone accidentally swallowed iron,can we pull it again by using magnet?(pass through mouth)

  37. Joe says:

    MRI rip your finger off? Magnet will go to center of MRI field.
    So if doctors will scan your head that would mean that that tiny magnet will rip yours head off.

    Just thumbs up.

  38. chase says:

    I was wondering if you have ever been to an area with large metal deposits. I have heard anecdotal stories of iron or copper throwing off a compass’s ability to detect the magnetic north pole. It would be something interesting to experiment with. Thank you for posting this, extremely interesting read.

  39. Peggy Campbell says:

    I have numerous implants, but against my will. Is there any way to remove them or dissolve them? Places are: vagina, anus, in knee replacement, under crowns in teeth, ear. and a military beamed in on my skull (a mass showed up, it may be gone but I still get pain there).
    The activity happens when I am around cell phones, magnetic doors, drones, etc. Please help. If I could only reverse when the activity happens. This could help as well. Tell me what app I might install on a phone.

    • Excuse me the fuck did you just drop on us?! Are you an escaped government experiment? You cant just drop that on me and not explain how this happened lol Was it aliens??? Because I study amd train for combat against aliens and cryptids and it would be interesting if they are also interested in magnetic implant hacking. That means these implants could possibly have a greater use

  40. Sori says:

    Is it the pull of the magnet inside your skin that allows you to feel it?
    Would a glove with magnets in it have a similar effect?

  41. Daniel says:

    What can you tell me about multiple magnet implants, not to be placed in the same finger – lets say to have on in the pinky and the ring finger (same hand).
    Have yo ever think about it? What would you say?

  42. jay shukla says:

    what about recharging the magnet and if it corroded inside the finger what will happen then

  43. Jake says:

    I super glued a small flat neodymium magnet to my fingernail instead of implanting it. I can feel the sensation of alternating currents and motors and all that. The human fingernail provides enough touch-sense with its contact to the rest of your finger to feel those things.

    With the magnet on the outside of my finger, I can test to see if a surface is ferrous or not by touching it. However, what’s better about having the magnet on the outside of your finger is you also don’t have to worry about corrosion or infection.


    • Dann Berg says:

      I’m happy that you’re happy with this experience. But as someone who has tested magnets glued to various body surfaces, and also has an actually magnet implant, I can tell you the experience really doesn’t compare.

  44. Peter says:

    Where can i buy a magnet suitable for an implant?

    • datboi says:

      ebay, look up 3x1mm n52 gold plated magnets. gold is bio-inert and doesnt dissolve or corrode like the other coatings.

  45. Anonymous says:

    I was wondering how this would relate to ghost hunting. We use EMF detectors, but if i were to get this implant would i feel what the EMF is telling me in my finger? This could be a breakthrough for us!

    • Dann Berg says:

      I don’t know too much about EMF detectors, but I’d imagine if there was a buzzing or whirring put off by the device, then you could detect it with a magnet implant.

      • Anonymous says:

        Would i feel “the ghost” without an EMF device? It detects electromagnetic pulses and make it light up, would be much easier if i felt it in my finger than using the device

    • See this is my exact goal here! Using this hack to detect higher than average fields put off by both energetic beings like ghosts or bon physical demons to sense them and possibly their distance and location as quickly as they can sense me. And possibly physical creatures and people that happen to have much higher than average energy field potential. Basically I want a build in radar for aiding me in combat against powerful beings

  46. rich says:

    For some reason certain magnets stick to my skin what might bet the cause of this and i have no implants that i know of

  47. It is something exciting thing to do. Thanks for shearing this post.
    I have a question. How can we implement it in our life?

  48. Chris says:

    Hi there, I hope this is still up. I wonder if it might be possible, to implant the magnet somewhere else in your hand, like at the wrist or on top of the palm?

    • Dann Berg says:

      Yes, it is possible. I’ve known people who have gotten magnet implants in other locations.

      • Martin says:

        Hey Dann, thanks for sharing your experiences. Do you have any feedback by people with magnets in other places (like the edge or the back of the hand) on *how much* less sensitive they are compared to the fingertips? I’m wondering about the best compromise between keeping the ability to rock climb and sensing as weak EM fields as possible.

        • Dann Berg says:

          I can’t say, as I’ve only ever had this one magnet implant in my one finger. So I can’t really speak to how it feels in different locations.

  49. Cuya says:

    So Dann, i wasnt going to do it to myself i was going to have a relative who is a doctor to make the cut and implant the magnet but i was just asking if you actually think it matters what age a person is for the effect or consequences to be different.

  50. Brady Sayre says:

    So, I have done a lot of research, but couldn’t really find a place to have this done. I’m 19 and would really love to have this tiny object that extends my sensing of the world. Any help?


  51. yuvsl says:

    where do i order it online? (without paying 150$ for shipping) im 15 so i am probably going to do it on my own, any help on where to cut?

  52. Cindy says:

    Interesting your body modification story. Thanks for sharing.

  53. frantcy says:

    A man down in Central, WI Mid southern area is (SECRETLY dentally) Nano communications type telepathy (mind reading. From whom and what real purpose. Sounds like the ultimate set up game!)implanting and says cops don’t know…. he hurts people and he even threatens murder and no one gives a heck…and they want you to do stuff or they threaten and they want you be an operator…What ever that is!?. He learned the stuff from the military or Fort McCoy or Military, but it is stolen and they can by stuff from other countries in an underground sellers business then they hire a person to say your crazy and implant you and control your way of thinking from there on! They will make you leave your family and kids and try to steal your home and take away your on with false rumors or revenge attack even sex offender type stuff and they are not even’s the language, stalking’s and harassment talk! That (IS) a mental problem also right?, they even insult them….! It is starting to feel like the other countries in the USA now and it’s frightening stuff happening! Don’t we have better things to do then add more problems or is this what the future is going to be ?Gang harassment is getting dangerous they need to stop this activity before our kids start even doing it! It’s time to control the people… not take away rights… It is getting out of hand!

  54. franks says:

    You are probably one of those people being stalked, secretly listened to and harassed! So be careful and be weary of your next store neighbors( On yur own road in the USA!) because they might have a listening bug ( Cell phone implant making you an acoustic spy cat (but for them!) and you are the target for what-ever they want!)I wish the government would wake up about this it’s all over the internet but they don’t say anything and why when they know about this and when the books are all being sold on the internet at E-Bay and and USA is being taken down by thugs/criminals/ID thieves because they figured out how to use those implants for their criminals activities and the top tool now is Cell phone type “listening” Implants and they got this information form breaking into and hacking military government agencies and law agencies! If you use a AM FM hand held radio and turn it on a AM station with no music just the Shush sound and hear a tracking sound coming from your TV set…you could be internally bugged or might have a Nano communications spy implant hidden for reversed listening!

  55. Bill Egge says:

    Its not the magnet that is fascinating, The facinating part is interfacing your body with different input types and then utilizing the sensitivity of perception alongside your ability to make abstractions and detect patterns and then you become the ultimate measurement tool. Take for example, being able to feel radio and magnetic waves. You might be able to diagnose electrical problems very quickly. Or lets say you had an implant that allowed you to feel, or sense through other means, sizemech vibrations. You might start recognizing earth quake patterns that no one has been able to notice before. Or another case for example, to be come a human EKG machine that would allow you to quickly identify heart problems in patients. Hmmm, amazing potential.

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  57. Deanna says:

    Say if someone was hoping to start a war using an covert implant( You knew nothing about!) to make it look like someone was snooping, intervening or intruding on your country or you at a meeting …but it was by “someone else” who was hoping to get a war started by having you blame another someone!!!! …..or to make you look like you were trying to make a problem Sort of like the Mr. Trumps situation(?). because if you ask me I smell a rat with that situation! A set up maybe!? I happen to like Mr. Trump he is our USA leader and we will keep him safe! Period!
    And now with tooth/jaw (1945-2017)Audi phone implants .. Spy type listener 2-way antennae(Excetra!) NO ONE knows anymore what could go or be put in your body during ANY operation ANYWHERE with any hospital organization or dental situation or even food you eat now any day….
    This is a frightening thought and could be a disaster started if gotten into the wrong hands or even in a revenge situation!

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  61. Isaac says:

    how do you maintain the magnet? Or have you thought to increment the magnetic force of the magnet with car batteries like in sleight.

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  1. […] Kroppshacking: magnetiska implantat [] 0 poäng | Postat mars 21 av itmag […]

  2. […] que achou disso? Você faria um implante de ímã? [IamDann] Share tweetmeme_source = […]

  3. […] body-based modification that is on the fringes is magnetic implants. Small magnets implanted under the skin that, reportedly, add a sort of “sixth sense” that […]

  4. […] semi-permanently, and eventually permanently to our bodies, under our skin, in our teeth, eyes, fingertips, and so on. Maybe a tattoo? Eventually we could be doing parts all over […]

  5. […] by a story of how a magnetic implant imparted a “sixth sense” in its host, engineer and enthusiastic geek Marek Majkowski was eager to test this supplemental […]

  6. […] by a story of how a magnetic implant imparted a “sixth sense” in its host, engineer and enthusiastic geek Marek Majkowski was eager to test this supplemental […]

  7. […] Some time ago I’ve read about a guy that had a magnet implanted in the pinky finger. […]

  8. […] همائی راد: چندی پیش نوشته‌ای توجه مرا به خود جلب کرد که در آن فردی با کاشت یک آهنربای […]

  9. […] کنید بازدید: 0 دسته بندی:فناوری اطلاعات چندی پیش نوشته‌ای توجه مرا به خود جلب کرد که در آن فردی با کاشت یک آهنربای […]

  10. Body Hacking says:

    […] (Fonte da imagem: Reprodução/I Am Dann) […]

  11. […] Fontes: I Am Dann, Grindhouse Wetware, TEDx, The Verge, Wired 186 Assinantes | 360 Seguidores Did you like this? Share it:Tweet bb_bid = "1627997"; bb_lang = "pt-BR"; bb_keywords = ""; bb_name = "custom"; bb_limit = "6"; bb_format = "bbn"; […]

  12. […] Some personal analytics projects can take data and give it to you in a way that gives you super powers! SenseBridge sells several biofeedback devices, the coolest of which I think is the North Paw. It’s a ankle-bracelet that has a compass and is lined with vibrating motors. Whichever motor is facing north vibrates, which over time (apparently) leads to the wearer having a intuitive sense of direction. It sounds really neat, and is nowhere near as extreme as some other “sixth-sense” body hacks, such as implanting magnets in your fingertips. […]

  13. […] Magnets can also be implanted under the skin, usually in the tips of the fingers, to give a person the ability to feel magnetic fields and do neat party tricks. Photo credit: Dann Berg […]

  14. […] would normally require you to watch a screen and interpret it. It might not have the directness of acquiring a brand-new new sense, but it can certainly contribute to confer an intuitive dimension to events that one would normally […]

  15. […] haben schon angefangen, auf eigene Faust Sinnesorgane und Körperfunktionen zu erweitern. Dann Berg hat einen Magneten im Finger und kann damit leichte Gegenstände aufheben. Rich Lee implantierte […]

  16. […] This week’s Hacking and Philosophy is much more opened ended. I invite you to speculate on these technologies and how they are integrated into the human body: from prosthesis that seek to replace missing limbs to eager engineering students or tech enthusiasts implanting neodymium magnets into their fingers. […]

  17. […] This week’s Hacking and Philosophy is much more opened ended. I invite you to speculate on these technologies and how they are integrated into the human body: from prosthesis that seek to replace missing limbs to eager engineering students or tech enthusiasts implanting neodymium magnets into their fingers. […]

  18. […] In 1970, Neil Harbisson – who suffers from achromatopsia (condition that allows you to only see black and white), created a device that would allow him to listen to colors as different sound frequencies. The device was further expanded to include microtones and different volumes which allowed Neil to appreciate different hues and color saturations. Technology in these instances demonstrates how unsual sensory channels can be used to extract meaning from sensory data. This allows humans to develop peripherals for their bodies which serve as aids in several forms of disability as well as in the achievement of futuristic engineering projects. […]

  19. […] bees and birds, have the sense of magnetoception, which means being feeling magnetic forces. now, humans can have this too! guys, we are literally changing what it means to be human and that blows my […]

  20. […] Body Hacking: My Magnetic Implant – as always […]

  21. […] end this included everything from the DIY labs of the Grinder community where people have gotten magnets implanted in their fingers and there was talk of Elizabeth Parrish experimenting on her own DNA at […]

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