Posts filed under “News”
The Raspberry Pi Finally Launches!
After a long wait, the Raspberry Pi is finally on the market and available for purchase! I’ve got my order placed and I’m really excited to get my hands on this little device. It’s absolutely great to have an extremely low priced yet completely functional computer on the market. This is just the beginning, the […]
TechCrunch :(
John Gruber: You know when you flush the toilet, and for a while the water is circling, spiraling downward, and then there’s that moment of silence right before the flush is completed? That’s where AOL/TechCrunch is. haha, awwww.
GoDaddy Supports SOPA, Dann Berg Does Not
GoDaddy supports SOPA, which means it’s finally time to transfer those domains. I’ve linked to some great step-by-step instructions for leaving GoDaddy.
Help: Will Work for Cat Surgery
My cat Maimonides is in the hospital and needs $4000 surgery. I’m trying to get extra work to afford the bill. Let me know if you want me to build you a website.
Stickers of NYC Officially Launched!
Stickers of NYC has officially launched! Check out the new blog and follow @stickersofnyc on twitter!