Posts filed under “Technology”
Transfer Your Domain Day
Dann Berg celebrates Domain Transfer Day (December 29, 2011) by offering to do all the work to transfer your domains for free!
GoDaddy Supports SOPA, Dann Berg Does Not
GoDaddy supports SOPA, which means it’s finally time to transfer those domains. I’ve linked to some great step-by-step instructions for leaving GoDaddy.
Tweaking Safari
The Safari Omnibar on GitHub adds omnibar functionality to Apple’s Safari, allowing users to search directly from the address bar.
Users are Lazy
These days, users want a high yield of usability and information with the least amount of work. Web services need to start doing the work for the customer if they want to keep their users.
Five Things Siri Should Do
Siri, the iPhone personal assistant, is available this Friday and she’s packed with a ton of great features. From checking the weather to managing your calendar and responding to texts, Siri is definitely going to make an impact on iPhone productivity. We know what Siri will be able to do at launch, but what will […]
What’s up with BitCoin?
Will Bitcoin become the wave of the future or be a craze that simply disappears over time? I may have to agree with Adam Cohen on this one.