Posts filed under “Technology”
Dangers of Personalized Internet
As long as internet algorithms favor advertisers, personalized internet will prove to be detrimental to users.
Good Guy Twitter
The Innovator’s Patent Agreement: TheĀ Innovators Patent AgreementĀ (IPA) is a… commitment from a company to its employees that patents can only be used for defensive purposes. Twitter is leading the way in forging a brighter future for patent law. Thank you, Twitter.
Monopoly and Monopsony of Amazon
Charles Stross: And the peculiar evil genius of Amazon is that Amazon seems to be trying to simultaneously establish a wholesale monopsony and a retail monopoly in the ebook sector. Fascinating take on’s growth and economic stranglehold.
Amazon Enters Search with CloudSearch, Next Up: Facebook
…aaaand Google finally gets some legitimate search competition.
Lawsuit: US vs. Apple and the Book Publishers
The US Government is suing Apple and several book publishers for conspiring together to raise the price of e-books.
Move Your Brain Online, Get A Bigger Hard Drive
Move the contents of your brain online using MediaWiki and increase your productivity.