Posts tagged “twitter”

Dammit, Twitter

IFTTT email: In recent weeks, Twitter announced policy changes* that will affect how applications and users like yourself can interact with Twitter’s data. As a result of these changes, on September 27th we will be removing all Twitter Triggers, disabling your ability to push tweets to places like email, Evernote and Facebook. Dammit Twitter. You’re […]

Good Guy Twitter

The Innovator’s Patent Agreement: TheĀ Innovators Patent AgreementĀ (IPA) is a… commitment from a company to its employees that patents can only be used for defensive purposes. Twitter is leading the way in forging a brighter future for patent law. Thank you, Twitter.

Things I Love Thursday, December 2nd

Woah! It’s Thursday again! And it’s already December! That’s all crazy talk! In this week’s Things I Love Thursday post, we’ll take a look at getting tweeted at, not listening to Christmas music, and no much more. Start reading!

Things I Love Thursday, November 4th

And on the seventh day He created Things I Love Thursday. And he saw the post, and it was good. This week we explore making your bed, wearing slippers, finding a new doctor, fresh bottles of toothpaste, free iphone applications, and so much more. It’s November 4th, and it’s Things I Love Thursday.