Posts tagged “twitter”
Dammit, Twitter
IFTTT email: In recent weeks, Twitter announced policy changes* that will affect how applications and users like yourself can interact with Twitter’s data. As a result of these changes, on September 27th we will be removing all Twitter Triggers, disabling your ability to push tweets to places like email, Evernote and Facebook. Dammit Twitter. You’re […]
Good Guy Twitter
The Innovator’s Patent Agreement: TheĀ Innovators Patent AgreementĀ (IPA) is a… commitment from a company to its employees that patents can only be used for defensive purposes. Twitter is leading the way in forging a brighter future for patent law. Thank you, Twitter.
Is Social Media Valuable for Businesses?
Businesses should be intelligently involved in social media networks but it should replace other proven marketing strategies. You just have to find the right “social media expert.”
Twitter Helps Separate #Hoax from #Apocalypse
The apocalypse will be live-tweeted. And thank God for that.
Things I Love Thursday, December 2nd
Woah! It’s Thursday again! And it’s already December! That’s all crazy talk! In this week’s Things I Love Thursday post, we’ll take a look at getting tweeted at, not listening to Christmas music, and no much more. Start reading!
Things I Love Thursday, November 4th
And on the seventh day He created Things I Love Thursday. And he saw the post, and it was good. This week we explore making your bed, wearing slippers, finding a new doctor, fresh bottles of toothpaste, free iphone applications, and so much more. It’s November 4th, and it’s Things I Love Thursday.